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Great Leaders Series Overview

#3  Why Have Businesses Stopped Doing This?

We believe the complexity and sheer volume of “step-wise” business improvement has led companies to ignore the larger strategic health in their business (Focusing on the What – Why and How —the underlying drivers of real success).

We believe for a business to flourish, the complexity of leadership, strategy and execution must be simplified.  The ability to simplify complexity is an extraordinarily powerful competitive advantage.

So we wrote a book, and we’re providing it to you (free) — offering many of the simplifying practices we’ve found that work — through research and leading over 30 businesses to several billion dollars in new, profitable growth.  It will show up in your email one or two times a week, in easily consumed parcels.

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Why horizontal

We live in a world of too much information — too much content. There are hundreds  of great ideas competing with each other, but it is tough to put it all together.  Compartmentalized information abounds.  Complexity is exploding.  Or at least the sheer quantity of information and options are growing so fast it looks like complexity and has the same effect. 

As a leader, have you ever wished for a simple master crib sheet? – a short list of the things that really do drive business and leadership success, the order in which they should be tackled, and how to know if the performance of these is what’s needed.  We have.  And many of the leaders we speak with, small business or large, have too. 

The amount of research that defines best practices is exploding.  But, is their Best Practice — right for — your Best Practice? The chase to improve every best practice has become THE focus – as a result, leaders today have shifted from strategic leadership to selecting among tactical improvements.  The focus for leaders has become choosing among the explosion of “best practice tactical programs” to improve business in a step-wise fashion. 

The impetus for this book came from a partnership with Bill Howe, founder of Growth Engine Group and our mutual desire to provide leaders a single, simple-to-use tool that could measure the strength of all critical success drivers simultaneously.  We wanted to provide leaders a crystal clear one-page quantitative assessment of what is working and not working in their business so they can accurately focus their attention on the right things in the right order. And it needed to be intuitively “right” to users – “Oh, this makes a lot of sense.”  We wanted users to be able to easily explain what drives success to others.

This book is based on real experience and research in the real world – the findings that keep coming up again and again that have been proven to create stronger results – the enduring drivers of business health.  

We hope you’ll find it useful. 

Best regards,


Craig Britton and Gary Scott

Partners, SwitchTrack

Simplifying Complexity

