Marketing and Sales options to reach your customers has exploded.

And they constantly change as the relationship with the customer evolves over time or new technologies are introduced.

The old saying used to be, “Fifty cents of every dollar spent on marketing is wasted — but it’s impossible to know which fifty cents.”

Today, the problem is exponentially more complicated.

We’re frustrated we don’t have a good way to measure effectiveness.

We don’t have a lot of data history or experience to measure performance.

Real world measurement of a lot of different factors at once, and the interaction between those factors, seems out of reach.




Orchestrating a symphony out of complexity.








What is the right combination of tactics?

This is the question businesses are starting to ask of their marketing and sales.
We specialize in answering this question in the most challenging situations:

Multi-channel effectiveness

The ability to orchestrate sales and marketing through more than one channel.

Cross-channel effectiveness

The ability to orchestrate sales and marketing that is seamlessly coordinated
and integrated across all channels.

Learn more.

The goal is much higher ROI.

We don’t require a lot of historical data to answer the following questions:


  • What works?  What doesn’t?
  • How do they interact?
  • What is each investment producing?
  • What should we stop? Start?
  • How do we build, orchestrate and execute more seamless and
    and effective marketing and sales – driving higher ROI?


The result:  Switchtrack can effectively measure the impact of many cross-channel and multi-channel factors, and potential improvements, simultaneously  … the way the real world works.  We also sort out the interaction effect.

You would be surprised how many tactics diminish the effects of others when combined.


Our method:  Saves time. Saves money.  Gives you better answers because we evaluate the way the real world works – many factors interacting simultaneously.

We provide easy to understand results that anyone on your team can act on.